
Blinking an LED using a microcontroller is one thing. How about making it communicate with other devices? In the simplest case, this means sending ‘Hello, World!’ to my PC.

AVR comes with various peripherals, one of them is an UART.

UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. Asynchronous means that the data is sent without a synchronised clock. This means that the data can be transferred with one less wire.

But the data being sent and received still needs to be synced between devices or they will have no clue how to interpret the bit sequence. To this end, devices needs to agree upon a pre-determined baud rate.


My first thought was whether I can hook up the USB cable directly to the microcontroller. After digging a little bit into the USB standard, I learned that it works using something called differential signalling. Connecting D0 and D1 from USB cable to Tx and Rx of UART does not work.

Fortunately, there are USB to TTL cables available on the market for this exact purpose.

USB to TTL Cable

For more information about USB protocol, watch this awesome video by Ben Eater.

USB Protocol


UART uses TXD and RXD pins to transmit and receive data respectively. TXD of one device shall be connected to RXD of the other along with a common ground.

USB Cable ATmega328p

UART Initialization

As per the datasheet, enabling UART consists of these steps:

1. Setting the Baud rate:

The baud rate is set using UBRRn register, which is split between UBRRnH and UBRRnL.
The value to be written to UBRRn for a given baud rate and system clock in Normal mode is calculcated using the following formula.
UBRRn formula
My AVR runs at 8MHz and I plan to use 9600 baudrate which gives me a UBRRn value of 51.
Let’s store it in UBRR0H and UBRR0L (n = 0 because we are using UART0).

UBRR0H = 0;
UBRR0L = 51;

2. Enable Transmitter and Receiver bits

RXENn and TXENn bits in the UCSRnB enable/disable the Receiver and Transmitter respectively. UCSRnB

Setting both the bits.

UCSR0B |= (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0);

3. Data frame format

Serial data frames are specified by data bits, start bit, stop bits, and parity bits. This is how the receiver differentiates one frame from the other. In this example, I will use 8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and no parity bits, just to keep things simple. Frame format is configured using UCSRnC register. UCSRnC By default, 1 stop bits and no parity bits are used. Therefore, I only need to set bits UCSZ00 and UCSZ01 for 8 data bits and we are done.

    UCSR0C |= (1 << UCSZ00) | (1 << UCSZ01);

Writing a C program to send ‘Hello, World!’

  • I am using io.h header file. It contains declarations for the register addresses and pin names so we can work names rather than look up addresses in the datasheet.
  • I am using _delay_ms() function from delay.h file. I know this is cheating but I have not implemented by my own delay function using timers. (I should get on top of that soon)
  • The printString() function needs some explaining. There are two more registers we should know about, UDRn and UCSRnA. UDRn is the data register where we read/write data that we need to receive/transmit. In the register UCSRnA, we have a bit UDREn which gets set when UDRn is emptry, i.e. ready for new data. UCSRnA UDRn
  • In a nutshell, we check if the data register UDR0 is empty by checking UDREn bit. If it is, we put one char from the string into it, rinse, repeat.


    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <util/delay.h>

    void printString(const char myString[]);

    int main(void) {
        // Set BAUD
        UBRR0H = 0;
        UBRR0L = 51;

        // Set Transmitter/Receiver enable
        UCSR0B |= (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0);
        // Set data bits and stop bit
        UCSR0C |= (1 << UCSZ00) | (1 << UCSZ01);
            printString("Hello, World!\r\n");
        return (0);

    void printString(const char myString[])
        int i = 0;
        while (myString[i])
            if (UCSR0A & (1 << UDRE0))
                UDR0 = myString[i];


I used GTKTerm as a serial terminal and set it up with the same baud rate, data bits, stop bits, etc.
